Every evening, the Daily Dot delivers a selection of links worth clicking from around the Web, along with the day's must-see image or video. We call it Dotted Lines.
- Betabeat digs into the checkered online past of Reuters producer and John Mayer fan Matthew Keys, indicted for allegedly conspiring with Anonymous to hack the L.A. Times.
- If famous websites were people, BuzzFeed would totally be that guy. Spot on.
- This is refreshing: "I'm an Irish person who freaking hates St. Patrick's Day." Join the club of agitated Semites who feel the same way.
- Joss Whedon won't make a Firefly Kickstarter. Yet.
- Glorious SXSW schadenfreude: A drunk bully gets knocked out by a sucker punch.
- St. Patrick's Day from A to Z: A dictionary of depravity.
- Two words: Dinklage Dubstep.