Every evening, the Daily Dot delivers a selection of links worth clicking from around the Web, along with the day's must-see image or video. We call it Dotted Lines.
- This Chrome extension replaces every instance of "the cloud" with "my butt," which is a huge improvement.
- The seven most common commenters on the Internet.
- This is funny: 10 ways to sexually arouse Ronald McDonald.
- Gross. New York assemblyman Vito Lopez has a thing for underage girls.
- This dog looks exactly like Samuel L. Jackson.
- Ten bands you need to see at SXSW.
- Meet Cory Calhoun, master anagrammist.
- If you had no plans to watch the MTV movie awards, think again. Channing Tatum and Rebel Wilson are hosting. Internet, get ready to go full squee.
Get More: 2013 MTV Movie Awards, Latest Movie News, Rebel Wilson, Channing Tatum