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Luna Lovegood actress shuts down homophobic Instagram trolls


Harry Potter readers are thought to grow up to be more open-minded and tolerant than other children, and it looks like Harry Potter actors tend the same way.

After J.K. Rowlingstruck back against the Westboro Baptist Church’s homophobic remarks earlier this week, Luna Lovegood actress Evanna Lynch followed suit with a Facebook post aimed at homophobic trolls.

Lynch is a Harry Potter fan in her own right, having enjoyed the books long before being cast in the movies. She’s also involved in several charitable causes, including the Harry Potter Alliance’s campaign for marriage equality in Maine, and she was understandably happy about last week’s same-sex marriage victory in Ireland.

Unfortunately, this reaction attracted homophobic comments as well as support from her followers. Lynch posted a lengthy response on Facebook, telling people to take their bigoted opinions elsewhere.

"I am making a special request to all of you today in light of an ugly instagram thread that is really bothering me. Simply, if you are someone who perceives homosexuality as 'disgusting' or 'fucked up' or 'unnatural', will you do me a kindness and please unfollow me on all social media platforms. And then block me."
"There are other fiercer, more articulate, more outspoken and more controversial figures who lead the LQBTQ+ community and will gladly engage in fiery debate with you, will be fueled and energised by your anger and vitriol even and I ask that you go to them to wrestle verbally with your conflicting beliefs. I cannot deal with this kind of venom, and more to the point it is wasted energy on your part to put it here."

She went on to say that if people came to her social media accounts via Harry Potter, they should know better. Luna Lovegood is an accepting, open-hearted character, and would never approve of homophobic behavior.

"The clue is in the name, people! Luna Lovegood's love is a GOOD kind of love. It is not conditional or possessive or needy or demanding. It doesn't fall apart the moment you expose a piece of yourself that is unconventional."

Those Harry Potter kids turned out OK, didn’t they?

Photo via Monkey Chief/Wikimedia (PD)

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