In 2015, Amber Rose has used her Instagram account to break the Internet and troll the Kardashians. Now she’s using the platform to pine for her ex, Wiz Khalifa.
The two were married for a little over a year before divorcing in 2014, and they have a son together, Sebastian. In February, Khalifa posted photos of his son’s birthday party, but there was only one problem: Rose apparently never brought him to the party. This led Khalifa to tweet about how fatherhood isn't easy. He also claimed that he never cheated on Rose.Khalifa has not yet responded on his Instagram. Is this is how celebrity reconciliations happen in 2015? We’re just waiting for Rose’s appearance on season 3 of Inside Amy Schumer.
H/T E! | Photo via Disney | ABC Television Group/Flickr (CC BY ND 2.0)