The channel's PR Twitter account issued the following statement on Tuesday afternoon.
Many were upset by what were seen as anti-Semitic tweets, as well as jokes about punching and body-shaming women. The Internet's lightning-fast cycle of insta-judgement ginned up outrage and counter-outrage from Noah's critics and defenders; suddenly, everyone became an expert on joke-telling and satire.Some people pointed out the ethical murkiness of judging others based on years-old tweets.
Ari Shaffir, another Comedy Central personality, also came under fire this week for body-shaming a fellow comedian during a nationally televised stand-up set. The network has not yet commented on that incident. It was around this time last year that Stephen Colbertfaced the Internet mob for an out-of-context tweet about Asians.At press time, Noah had not yet commented on the fallout.
Screengrab via Trevor Noah/YouTube