Every evening, the Daily Dot delivers a selection of links worth clicking from around the Web, along with the day's must-see image or video. We call it Dotted Lines.
- The latest Humble Indie Bundle is here, with loads of pay-what-you-want games and a chance to give to charity this Christmas.
- V for Vendetta is shown uncensored in China, Guy Fawkes masks and all.
- And speaking of China, here are that country’s 10 most notable Internet memes of 2012.
- Now on Netflix: Every fake show mentioned in Arrested Development.
- NORAD’s Santa Tracker ditches Google Maps for Microsoft Bing ...
- ... and Google responds with its own Santa Tracker.
- Play the best HTML5-based games of 2012, right in your browser.
Above:The 12 Memes of Christmas, featuring some cameos you'll definitely recognize.